here we go (again)

well, here I am again. it’s been a while!
i had found it challenging to blog the last few years – for various reasons. but upon some personal reflection, I felt compelled to start it up again.

blogging and I have quite a history, you see. I consistently blogged through the different stages of my life since 6th grade. It was only the last few years that I have fallen off the wagon a bit. but as I was reflecting on my life the last few years, i realized that blogging is something I miss doing! blogging is a fun way to document things happening in our life lately. blogging reminds me of the things to be grateful for in the present, things I am learning through the hard and things I want to be growing in, in the midst of the busy day to days.

so for that reason, hopefully 2024 will be my comeback year! whether people read along or not matters little to me. which is why you will see that i dont write with the best grammar, i am not an artistic writer and will really only talk about the things that happen within the confines of my life and mind (rather than things happening worldwide, etc) but in doing so, i hope that this will be a year i am more present, more grateful, more prayerful, more reflective, more intentional than ever before!

cant believe 2023 is about to come to an end.

thankful for new beginnings, and new mercies as we usher in 2024!

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